The people at AndroidPit were really right when they thought my blog readers would be interested in knowing more about their resources for Android users.
The posts about Android have been super popular so first I’ll share about Play Store and then at the bottom I’ll link to the other posts about Android you may want to see.
Play Store is the new name for the official Google Android App Store that used to be called Android Market. In typical Google fashion, they changed the name and confused everyone. Why DO they do that?
Now people don’t know what to call the official Google Android Store or where to find it. They’re asking on Twitter and in forums.

Just click the image above to visit AndroidPit or read these other posts about the benefits of using their site:
Disclosure: AndroidPit has compensated me for my time in reviewing their site and providing information about what they have to offer my readers.
Tagged as: android, android apps, gadgets, play store, smartphones
View the original article here
The posts about Android have been super popular so first I’ll share about Play Store and then at the bottom I’ll link to the other posts about Android you may want to see.
Play Store is the new name for the official Google Android App Store that used to be called Android Market. In typical Google fashion, they changed the name and confused everyone. Why DO they do that?
Now people don’t know what to call the official Google Android Store or where to find it. They’re asking on Twitter and in forums.
On Twitter I’m seeing tweets about Google Play insteadSince AndroidPit appears to have all the apps and great reviews, if you need an Android App you could just use their site instead:
of Play Store and buzz that people hate the new name.

Just click the image above to visit AndroidPit or read these other posts about the benefits of using their site:
Disclosure: AndroidPit has compensated me for my time in reviewing their site and providing information about what they have to offer my readers.
Tagged as: android, android apps, gadgets, play store, smartphones
View the original article here