In this week’s episode of “The Future of Engagement” Murray Newlands talks about the Jack Daniels’ case and how they – and you – can turn publicity in your favor.
Companies have a recognizable logo that customers can identify anywhere. The public has a feeling or memory for brands that keeps them loyal.
Protecting your logos and trademarks is essential.
Legally, a brand MUST act when their trademark is infringed or the law may see that as a sign they are not protecting it and rule against them in the future.
Suing over trackmark infringement can result in the public
viewing your response negatively – and you can lose customers.
Jack Daniels, the whiskey manufacturer, recently found itself in a case of trademark infringement over a book cover that resembled their bottle’s logo.
Because they addressed the issue with a cease and decease letter and offered to pay for cover changes, they became the “good guys” in this scenario instead of the “big, bad company”.
Rather than a lawsuit that would make them look aggressive, they are seen as wisely protecting their brand while being more than fair to the author.
Handled correctly, even trademark infringement issues can garner
positive publicity that companies can use to their benefit.
It was clear to the public that they weren’t trying to get money out of the author, but only wanted to protect their brand. Brands are required by law to object or they lose the ability to do so.
Jack Daniels handled this in a way that generated publicity that
favored them and avoided negativity from the public.Turning bad situations into good publicity is
something every company should strive to do.
Jack Daniels was wise to develop a plan that turned this case into good publicity. If something negative is brought to the company’s attention too late it could be a lost cause and take lots of monetary funds to fix the situation.
Social media monitoring is something that companies
should invest in to avoid any possible damage.
Anyone can post anything at any time about your company and can cause lots of damage – if caught too late. People can read a negative review and cease to buy your products or services OR trademark or copyright infringement could be happening.
You need to implement a trademark monitoring and protection program.
DO that with social media monitoring and you can be alert and know what goes on regarding your company – immediately – so you can take action!
Social media monitoring tools can make it easier to keep track of your brand online. SMM tools like Alerti can collect the data for you from everywhere on the web from social networks to blogs to news sources.
Social Media Monitoring is what makes is possible for you to know where
your brand is being talked about and see a sentimental analysis.
Every company should have a form of social media monitoring that can assist in preventing any problems in the first place. You can get to know your audience better as well so you can keep your presence in a good light and keep consumers loyal to the brand.
Develop a plan to turn negative publicity and comments into positive ones that can make the company come off unscathed.Social media monitoring use can assist in keeping track of your brand online.A SMM tool can do the monitoring for you and provide you the results in easy to read formats.Tagged as: brand protection, internet law, social media monitoring, trademark infringement, trademark lawClick here for your free white paper on social media monitoring.