The Grey led to a lot of conversation on this site and I'm sure with the new DVD and Blu-ray release the conversation will pick up again on my "Did You Hate the Ending to 'The Grey'? Why?" post, which seems to get several new comments each week. This new release comes with a commentary with Joe Carnahan and editors Roger Barton and Jason Hellmann and a few deleted scenes, one of which I have included just below.
Eh, this is a "seen it once and once was enough" kind of film for me.
Solid film, but wading into these waters more than once could prove treacherous. However, I bet this film looks amazing on Blu-ray. Along with Shame and We Need to Talk about Kevin, this flick had some of the best and most impressive cinematography of last year, a comparison I made last year with this post. You can read my review of Rampart from last year's Toronto International Film Festival right here.
You can keep this one, I'm still unclear on what anyone say in this film outside of Janet McTeer's feature-stealing performance.
I'm just not interested in this one, and considering the $40 million budget and $36.8 million worldwide take I would say not many other people were either. I'm sure Lionsgate is just hoping for decent enough home video earnings to break even.
The outrage expressed online over this film's ending was vastly more entertaining than the film itself, was on the edge of average at best.
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