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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Small Biz Trends Small Business Influencer Awards 2012: My Recommendations ~ Links for Easy Daily Voting

2012 Small Business Trends Influencers Awards Logo

Each year, Small Business Trends hosts the Small Business Influencer Awards to recognize the Top Influencers in the Small Business Market.

981 approved nominees are listed for the 2012 SmallBizTrends Influencer Awards.

These are the nominees I feel will most benefit my readers
and small businesses based on my years of experience.

Here is how the awards voting works:

Those nominated are judged 40% by voting where each person may vote once every 24 hours for as many nominees as they choose.To make it much easier for me to support those I collaborate with or admire, I create a post that provides links for easy voting.

“New for 2012 is a completely separate category of award, called the
Community Choice Awards, based 100% on the community voting.”

I encourage you to vote daily to support key people we know and those who have exceptional and recognized expertise in their specialties.If you are nominated, I recommend you DO vote for yourself as well, so I include GrowMap in the recommendations found below.

Below you will find my @SMBizTrends
2012 picks as
Small Business Influencers

Vote for each influencer you choose by CLICKING THE LINKS that say >>> VOTE FOR [Their voting link]

These are people who are widely recognized as experts in their respective specialties. Most I have interacted with while others I have recommended for years but they don’t know me.

Conspicuously absent are any nominations related to conversion optimization or landing page testing so I haven’t included any experts yet. I may add them here later.

Follow the social media action surrounding
the Small Business Influencer Awards
on  Twitter @SMBinfluencer
or using the hashtag #SMBinfluencer

There are hundreds of other nominees, so if you can make the time you may want to peruse the many pages of other nominees to see who else is there.

I included in my picks the very best experts – many of whom I
have been learning from online for going on eighteen years now.

I hope some appreciate the many hours that go into an effort such as this from paging through every page of nominations to adding all those links to make checking them out and voting daily easier for my readers.

Do please consider voting daily for those who give away
their time and expertise so that others may succeed.

Disclosure: GrowMap is a media sponsor – by choice – for the Small Business Trends Influencer Awards and the Small Business Trends Small Business Book Awards.

Top Small Business Books – How My Picks for
SmallBizTrends 2012 #BizBookAwards Finished

Small Biz Trends Influencer Media Sponsors 2012

Tagged as: small business, small business experts, small business resources, social media marketing

View the original article here

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